We Can Now Say: Our Air Defense Has Been Bolstered, We Will Be Able to Do More in the Skies – Address by the President of Ukraine


I wish you health, fellow Ukrainians!

There have been several important reports today.

First of all, there was a substantial report from Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi on the frontline situation. The Commander-in-Chief himself visited some of the brigades. The key issue is the provision for our military. What exactly is lacking – with regard to each direction and all our main positions. Distribution of ammunition and a sufficient number of drones, above all. 

It is very important to ensure that in all key directions, we have the means to inflict maximum losses on the enemy.

Next, there was a report from the Air Force Commander. Regarding the work of our firing groups in shooting down "Shaheds" and countering Russian missiles. We can already say that our air defense has been bolstered. The German "Patriot" system has arrived in Ukraine, and I would like to thank Germany and the United States for this step. We will be able to do more in the skies. Of course, there is still much work ahead, and this is far from guaranteed protection, but nevertheless, it means more strength for Ukraine.

The third for today is the report from the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine. There are good results in countering collaborators. There are also some things that we cannot publicly disclose at the moment. It's just not worth it. The occupier must feel it.

Fourth, a report from the Minister of Internal Affairs on the investigation into the murder of Iryna Farion. It is a difficult process, but all necessary forces are engaged, and more information is emerging about the perpetrator of this crime.

Fifth, reports from government officials, primarily regarding energy. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, the Minister of Energy. I would like to highlight the work of all our repair crews, workers at our nuclear power plants, and everyone involved in stabilizing the supply. Everything necessary is being done to provide more electricity.

We understand that we are dealing with terrorists and the Russian strikes do not stop. But still, Ukrainian power engineers are trying to reduce the deficit.

I would like to thank everyone who helps us! Glory to our people!

Glory to Ukraine!