July 22, 2024 Ukraine and the World – Against russia’s Aggression. Sanctions in Action


Former Minister of National Defense of Poland Janusz Onyshkiewicz believes that his country can provide Ukraine with Polish MiG-29 aircrafts in about six months.

Ukraine and the European Union have addressed Azerbaijan with a proposal to supply natural gas to Europe through our country starting in 2025.

Poland, with the support of the European Commission, has launched a more than EUR 22 million program to support Ukrainian refugees. The project, entitled “Together to Independence”, is aimed at helping six thousand Ukrainians move from living in collective centers to “independent living”.


The US Space Force is going to deploy a new ground-based signal jamming system that should deprive Chinese and russian satellites of the ability to transmit information about US troops.

Poland calls on the EU to strengthen ties with the United States to counter russian disinformation.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FRG Annalena Baerbock has supported plans to deploy US long-range Tomahawk missiles in the country. “We have to protect ourselves and our Baltic partners from this, including by strengthening deterrence and additional weapons”, Baerbock emphasized.

Of the nearly 100 “journalists” whom the French authorities banned from covering the Olympic Games in Paris on suspicion of espionage, most were from the rf and the rb. “We refused to accept a large number of “journalists” who claimed to be covering the Games. We apply the principle of prevention. They are probably not involved in terrorist attacks. But, in addition to intelligence and traditional espionage, there is an opportunity to gain access to computer networks to launch a cyberattack”, said Minister of the Interior of France Gérald Darmanin. In total, 4.3 thousand people have been banned from working at the Olympics, including volunteers, stadium workers, and members of sports delegations.

After the United States imposed sanctions on June 12 against the moscow stock exchange and the Asian subsidiaries of the rf's largest banks, the number of Chinese banks willing to accept money from the rf has significantly decreased. russian importers say they have a new and very serious problem in their payments to China: they are refused to accept payment in yuan if the goods were purchased in the rf. Not only Chinese banks, but even payment agents that help transfer money through third countries are afraid to deal with such money. In June, new terms were coined in the field of cross-border payments: “dirty” yuan (bought in russia, regardless of whether they were bought on the stock exchange or on the interbank market) and “clean” yuan (bought anywhere but russia).

The information and analytical agency “institute of agricultural market conditions” has downgraded the agricultural capabilities of the rf this year. In particular, wheat exports from russia in the new season will amount to 44 million tons (last season – 54.3 million tons), barley exports will amount to 3.5 million tons (last season – 8.3 million tons). The gross harvest of corn will decrease to 14.0 million tons from 17.0 million tons, and exports will decrease to 3.8 million tons from 7.0 million tons. The harvest of peas in the rf in 2024 is forecast at 3.63 million tons against 4.72 million tons in 2023, while exports will decrease to 1.7 million tons against 3.19 million tons in the 2023/24 season.

russian wheat of the new harvest is inferior in quality to the 2023 harvest, the grain quality assessment center pointed out.

In the rf, the average cost of a car loan has increased by 3.1% in June compared to May.

In the first half of the year, russians borrowed 1.2 trillion rubles to buy cars, which is by 95.5% more than in the first half of 2023. The national rating agency predicts that in 2025 the cost of cars in the rf will be growing by at least 2-3% quarterly.

russia's largest car dealership “rolf” has been nationalized.

The supply of low-quality bearings by the balashikha foundry and mechanical plant has led to the failure of five Il-76MD-90A airborne aircrafts.

In moscow, bailiffs have been banned from collecting debts from the occupiers fighting against Ukraine (muscovites already owe more than 5 billion rubles).

Officials from Slovakia and Hungary have announced the termination of russian oil supplies through the southern branch of the Druzhba pipeline, which runs through gomel region. This decision seriously threatens the operator of the pipeline, gomeltransneft. If the transit stops, the company will have only 1.2 million tons of Kazakh oil to pump. This is only 2.6% of the 45.5 million tons of oil pumped through the system to Europe in 2020.

Compared to 2022, the number of companies bringing food and feed from the rb to Latvia this year decreased by 36%, and from the rf – by 55%, according to the Food and Veterinary Service of Latvia, which controls the import of food from other countries.

In the rb, Rico Krieger, a German citizen, who worked as a military doctor for the German Red Cross, has been sentenced to death. The sentence was passed by the minsk regional court on June 21. The man was accused of illegal actions with firearms, rendering transport or means of communication unusable, creating or participating in an “extremist” formation, agent activity, mercenarism and an act of terrorism.

According to a comparative analysis of quotations issued by national banks, the official exchange rate of the US dollar to the belarusian ruble increased 11.531 times during the 30 years of lukashenko's rule. This is the worst indicator compared to neighboring countries and countries in the post-soviet space.

At the “patriots' forum” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the rule of self-proclaimed president lukashenko, a proposal was made to award him the highest title in the country, the title of hero of the rb. The proposal was greeted with a standing ovation.